
Pathway Partners

Connect individuals to transformative training, offering personalized support and incentives to unlock doors to learners' future success. Together, let's build futures based on merit, not money.

Our Shared Succes

Pathway Partners are the catalysts for opportunity, bridging the gap for communities to attain career and economic mobility goals. These strategic partnerships are crafted to meet the needs, resources, and aspirations of companies aiming to transform education into a competitive advantage. This is achieved by establishing a direct pathway into Merit America’s program and a network of like-minded, mission-driven employer partners.

Through tailored incentives, initiatives, toolkits, and support, we amplify your impact—increased engagement, enhanced inclusion, and positive outcomes for learners; improved value propositions for partners as essential workforce development leaders; and a clear pathway to success for all.

Diversifying recruitment through top company partnerships

Doordash To Tech Analyst

Merit America’s partnership with DoorDash streamlines premier IT training pathways, boosting enrollment through co-branded outreach and strategic placement in Dasher Central. These efforts facilitated $2.8 million in first-year wage gains and paved the way for success stories like Brandon’s. Searching for “career growth, educational growth, and life growth” opportunities associated with the ability to secure a family-sustaining career, Brandon completed the  IT Support program, secured a role with employer partner Infosys as a Tech Support Associate, and unlocked doors for his next step at Aerojet Rocketdyne as a Technology Analyst.

Amplify Your Impact

As priorities fluctuate and the economy shifts, Merit America meets organizations where they are to help them achieve their business goals and unlock opportunities for tens of thousands of workers looking for the technical skills to succeed in high-growth tech careers.

  1. Brand Building
  2. Build Pathways
  3. Joint Incentives
  4. Cohesive Programs

How We Get There


Brand Building

Elevate your brand by partnering with Merit America to showcase your organization as a catalyst for upward economic mobility. Gain visibility through co-branded learner story highlights that can be shared with your community to solidify your presence and increase your impact.


Build Pathways

​​Connect your audience to Merit America’s programs as the first step on the pathway to in-demand careers. Through your support, learners take the next step to entry-level roles post-Merit America completion. They will utilize upskilling opportunities and our extensive employer network for career support throughout their journey.


Joint Incentives

Each of our partners collaborates with a dedicated partner manager who thoroughly understands your organization and your goals. Together, we create robust and personalized joint incentives that align positive outcomes to address the key impact goals for your organization, establishing a continuous cycle of incentives to attract learners and impact behavior.


Cohesive Programs

Together, we build collaborative partnership programs that create a seamless experience for your audience or employees to engage with Merit America and take the pathway to family-sustaining wage gains. We work with you to determine how to create a long-term approach that ensures your communities have a strong experience.

Hear What Our Partners Say

We have seen the impact that Merit America has made on the people that have joined the firm through our Emerging Talent Software Engineers program.

Tammie Thai | Emerging Talent Recruiter, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Merit America is an exceptional organization and partner committed to expanding opportunities and preparing their learners.

Angela Butler | Development Manager, Intact

Merit America’s ability to offer upskilling and mentorship helps create pathways to economic mobility for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Tammy Thieman | Program Lead, Global Career Choice

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are investing in the career growth of our employees and overall community by providing a new pathway.

Natalie Schwimer | Chief People Officer, Early Warning

Merit America has demonstrated a deep commitment to expanding opportunity for low-wage working adults — a goal we share.

Carolynn Lee | Senior Program Officer, Ascendium

It has been such an honor to be a part of the program with Merit America. In all of the 57 hires I’ve made this year, these 10 have been THE BEST!

Joe Flores | VP, Sourcing Leader at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are breaking down barriers and providing life-changing opportunities for the workforce.

Ann Canela | Director of Corporate, Niagara Bottling

Our partnership with Merit has helped us continue to push the needle in our mission of serving underrepresented communities in technology.

Ethan Parker | Digital Recruitment Manager, Career Circle

With talent shortage projections reaching 21 million by 2030, collaboration is key to democratizing access to higher-wage jobs.

Michelle Sims | CEO, YUPRO Placement

This partnership is about redoubling our efforts to accelerate opportunities for Black workers around the country.

Maurice Jones | CEO, OneTen

We have seen the impact that Merit America has made on the people that have joined the firm through our Emerging Talent Software Engineers program.

Tammie Thai | Emerging Talent Recruiter, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Merit America is an exceptional organization and partner committed to expanding opportunities and preparing their learners.

Angela Butler | Development Manager, Intact

Merit America’s ability to offer upskilling and mentorship helps create pathways to economic mobility for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Tammy Thieman | Program Lead, Global Career Choice

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are investing in the career growth of our employees and overall community by providing a new pathway.

Natalie Schwimer | Chief People Officer, Early Warning

Merit America has demonstrated a deep commitment to expanding opportunity for low-wage working adults — a goal we share.

Carolynn Lee | Senior Program Officer, Ascendium

It has been such an honor to be a part of the program with Merit America. In all of the 57 hires I’ve made this year, these 10 have been THE BEST!

Joe Flores | VP, Sourcing Leader at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are breaking down barriers and providing life-changing opportunities for the workforce.

Ann Canela | Director of Corporate, Niagara Bottling

Our partnership with Merit has helped us continue to push the needle in our mission of serving underrepresented communities in technology.

Ethan Parker | Digital Recruitment Manager, Career Circle

With talent shortage projections reaching 21 million by 2030, collaboration is key to democratizing access to higher-wage jobs.

Michelle Sims | CEO, YUPRO Placement

This partnership is about redoubling our efforts to accelerate opportunities for Black workers around the country.

Maurice Jones | CEO, OneTen

We have seen the impact that Merit America has made on the people that have joined the firm through our Emerging Talent Software Engineers program.

Tammie Thai | Emerging Talent Recruiter, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Merit America is an exceptional organization and partner committed to expanding opportunities and preparing their learners.

Angela Butler | Development Manager, Intact

Merit America’s ability to offer upskilling and mentorship helps create pathways to economic mobility for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Tammy Thieman | Program Lead, Global Career Choice

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are investing in the career growth of our employees and overall community by providing a new pathway.

Natalie Schwimer | Chief People Officer, Early Warning

Merit America has demonstrated a deep commitment to expanding opportunity for low-wage working adults — a goal we share.

Carolynn Lee | Senior Program Officer, Ascendium

It has been such an honor to be a part of the program with Merit America. In all of the 57 hires I’ve made this year, these 10 have been THE BEST!

Joe Flores | VP, Sourcing Leader at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are breaking down barriers and providing life-changing opportunities for the workforce.

Ann Canela | Director of Corporate, Niagara Bottling

Our partnership with Merit has helped us continue to push the needle in our mission of serving underrepresented communities in technology.

Ethan Parker | Digital Recruitment Manager, Career Circle

With talent shortage projections reaching 21 million by 2030, collaboration is key to democratizing access to higher-wage jobs.

Michelle Sims | CEO, YUPRO Placement

This partnership is about redoubling our efforts to accelerate opportunities for Black workers around the country.

Maurice Jones | CEO, OneTen

We have seen the impact that Merit America has made on the people that have joined the firm through our Emerging Talent Software Engineers program.

Tammie Thai | Emerging Talent Recruiter, JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Merit America is an exceptional organization and partner committed to expanding opportunities and preparing their learners.

Angela Butler | Development Manager, Intact

Merit America’s ability to offer upskilling and mentorship helps create pathways to economic mobility for hundreds of thousands of Americans.

Tammy Thieman | Program Lead, Global Career Choice

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are investing in the career growth of our employees and overall community by providing a new pathway.

Natalie Schwimer | Chief People Officer, Early Warning

Merit America has demonstrated a deep commitment to expanding opportunity for low-wage working adults — a goal we share.

Carolynn Lee | Senior Program Officer, Ascendium

It has been such an honor to be a part of the program with Merit America. In all of the 57 hires I’ve made this year, these 10 have been THE BEST!

Joe Flores | VP, Sourcing Leader at JPMorgan Chase & Co.

Through our partnership with Merit America, we are breaking down barriers and providing life-changing opportunities for the workforce.

Ann Canela | Director of Corporate, Niagara Bottling

Our partnership with Merit has helped us continue to push the needle in our mission of serving underrepresented communities in technology.

Ethan Parker | Digital Recruitment Manager, Career Circle

With talent shortage projections reaching 21 million by 2030, collaboration is key to democratizing access to higher-wage jobs.

Michelle Sims | CEO, YUPRO Placement

This partnership is about redoubling our efforts to accelerate opportunities for Black workers around the country.

Maurice Jones | CEO, OneTen

Looking to partner with us? Complete the form below to get in touch or find out more.