A man completing data analytics training

Ever thought about a career in tech? Specifically data analytics? Figuring out how to get into data analytics and how to get data analytics training can feel overwhelming. But that’s where Merit America’s data analytics program comes in!

In this article, we’ll talk about how to get into data analytics and what Merit America’s data analytics program offers. Whether you’re completely new or just looking for some extra guidance, this guide is here to help you out.

What is Data Analytics?

Data analytics refers to the process of examining and interpreting data to derive useful information, inform decisions, and identify patterns or trends. 

Key steps in data analytics include:

  • Data Collection: Gathering data from various sources
  • Data Cleaning: Removing errors and inconsistencies
  • Data Transformation: Adjusting data into an analysis-ready format
  • Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Using visual and statistical methods to understand basic patterns and relationships
  • Statistical Analysis: Applying statistical methods to test hypotheses
  • Predictive Analytics: Using data to forecast future events or trends
  • Data Visualization: Graphically representing analysis results
  • Interpretation: Drawing conclusions and making decisions based on the analyzed data

Data analytics is widely used across domains like business, healthcare, and sports, among others, to provide insights and support decision-making. It’s a subset of data science which encompasses a broader range of techniques and applications.

How to Get into Data Analytics

What do you need to do to get into data analytics?

One common question is whether a formal education is mandatory. In short, while a degree may provide an edge sometimes, it isn’t usually required. Many professionals have entered the field through courses or by transitioning from related areas. 

Key skills to focus on include proficiency in programming languages like Python or R, a solid understanding of statistics, and experience with visualization tools such as Tableau or PowerBI. 

The fast-paced nature of this field demands continuous learning. Regularly attending workshops, seminars, and online courses can help maintain and expand your skills. For structured data analytics training, Merit America’s data analytics program is a recommended starting point that offers both foundational and applied knowledge.

A woman sitting at a desk doing a data analytics program

Data Analytics Training

Data analytics training provides the necessary skills to analyze and interpret data effectively. This training should cover key areas such as programming, basic and advanced statistical analysis, and using visualization tools. It’s not just about the technical skills—your training should also focus on critical thinking to solve real-world data challenges. 

Data analytics training can be acquired through online courses such as Merit America’s data analytics program and is crucial for anyone looking to pursue a career in data analytics.

Merit America’s Data Analytics Program

At Merit America, we’ve developed a data analytics program focused on real-world skills and career advancement. 

  • Real-world Focus: Our program is tailored to equip you with practical skills essential for career advancement in the data analytics sector.
  • Wage Increases: Our alums commonly experience wage growth, which shows the program’s value and effectiveness.
  • Financial Accessibility: By offering an option to cover the cost of your program with $0 upfront, we’re committed to making family-sustaining careers available to all.
  • Flexible Online Learning: Our curriculum is delivered online and offers both rigor and flexibility. 
  • Support and Collaboration: Participants benefit from one-on-one guidance from a career coach and the chance to work alongside a collaborative peer group.
  • Google Certificate: Upon completion, learners earn a recognized Google data analytics certificate which proves their professional credibility in the industry.
  • Alumni Network: Completing our data analytics program provides access to an expansive alumni base and other valuable resources for networking and career opportunities.

Join us to get started on your data analytics training!

Break Into Tech With Merit America

Two women completing data analytics training

The right training can set the foundation for a fulfilling career. Merit America’s data analytics program is more than just a course; it’s a gateway to mastering the analytical skills demanded by industries across the board. With our unique program model, financial accessibility, personalized mentoring, and robust alumni network, we offer a holistic learning experience tailored for success. Investing in this data analytics program is investing in your future!

Let’s break into tech together!