Middle-aged man viewing analytics data on a computer at a remote data analytics job

We live in a world with more data at our fingertips than ever before. In business, the solution to a given problem often lies in established trends buried in various data sources. Enter data analysts. 

There is a high demand for data and the ability to properly interpret it in a way that helps a business grow. A recent report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics forecasts a 25 percent growth for remote data analyst jobs and in-person data analyst jobs between 2020 and 2030. If you’re interested in pursuing a career in data analysis, now is the time. 

As the digital landscape continues to thrive and our world becomes increasingly data-driven, the field of data analytics further cements itself as a necessary and promising frontier. 

In this article, we’ll highlight the necessary skills and career demands of a data analyst, the training required to get you started in this exciting field, and the jobs you can get with a data analytics certificate. 

Data analyst presenting findings to a business leader at a data analytics job remotely

What Is a Data Analyst? 

Data analysts intricately examine vast and varied data sets in search of patterns, correlations, and insights that they then present to their business partners or leaders, allowing them to make informed decisions regarding the business’s future. Data analytics allow businesses to transform raw information into actionable intelligence. As a data analyst, you have the opportunity to present insights that other business leaders cannot see, thus playing a critical role in shaping the future of a company. 

Data Analyst Skill Requirements

While there is tremendous growth potential with a data analytics job, there will likely also be increased competition seeking these job opportunities. It’s vital that you hone your skills to help you stand out from the crowd. Attaining your Google Data Analytics Certificate will be crucial in getting your resume up to par, but finding success as a data analyst requires skillsets that go the extra mile. At Merit America, not only do we help prepare you to earn your Google Data Analytics Certificate, but we also help you develop the skills that job recruiters are looking for in a data analyst candidate.

Here are the skills:

  • Data Analytics Fundamentals: We work with you to learn all about data types and structures, as well as the proper ways to organize and analyze data with spreadsheets. 
  • R and SQL Programming Languages: We elevate your skillset by teaching you these essential programming languages and strengthen your technical skills to more effectively analyze your data sets. 
  • Data Visualization: It’s one thing to gather and analyze the data; now, you have to tell a story with it. We help you learn storytelling with data visualization to make your findings more digestible and actionable for business leaders.
  • Job Search Optimization: When the time comes to find a job, we help you perfect your cover letter and resume to attract the attention of job recruiters. We’ll teach you how to improve your interviewing skills so that you’re prepared for any technical question that comes your way. 

Available Jobs with a Data Analytics Certification

Group of coworkers working together on laptops at a job you can get with a data analytics certificate

The field of data analytics is rapidly evolving, and new jobs centered around data are springing up all around. The jobs you can get with a data analytics certificate may vary from company to company, job listing to job listing.

Generally speaking, the following are common types of available data analyst jobs:

  • Database administrator
  • Data analyst
  • Data scientist
  • Data architect

The list doesn’t end there. Depending on the industry, businesses will have different data needs that will inform the data analytics job they are looking for. At Merit America, we help you narrow the job search to find the right position for your goals and skill set. 

Benefits of a Data Analysis Career

We’ve already covered the increasing demand for data analysts in today’s market, but there are numerous other benefits to consider: 

  • Higher salaries
  • Growth potential
  • Flexibility
  • Engaging work
  • Influence company decisions

For those looking to work from home, there are a number of remote data analyst jobs available. You have a strong chance to find in-office, hybrid, and remote data analyst jobs, depending on your preferences. Again, at Merit America, we’ll work with you in identifying the best job opportunities for your situation. 

Start Your Data Analytics Career Journey with Merit America

Two women meeting at an office table discussing what is data analytics job

Do you feel that your interests and skills are not being properly cultivated and utilized in your current job? Are you looking to switch over to a tech-related career for higher wages and job opportunities? 

If Data Analytics is a field that interests you, we’re here to help. Merit America is a nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing tech job training to low-wage workers. Our Data Analytics program prepares you to receive your Google Data Analytics Certificate on your schedule. You can complete our program without having to quit your current job, and you only pay after you find one of the many jobs you can get with a data analytics certificate. 

Get started with your new career today!