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A woman working remotely.

When considering online job training programs or tech bootcamps, the idea of connecting with a career coach might not seem like a priority. However, the jump from completing a program to securing a new role is often the most critical—and the most challenging—part of the process. Career coaching is designed to bridge that gap, turning your new skills into real-world career success.

In this article, we’ll explore the role career coaching plays in career transitions and discuss how a Merit America career coach can support your journey toward an upwardly mobile career.

1. What Is Career Coaching?

What Is Career Coaching?

Navigating today’s job market can be overwhelming. With rapid technological advancements, evolving industry standards, and the increasing importance of a strong personal brand, professionals face unprecedented challenges in their career journeys. A polished resume and a solid work history are no longer enough—today’s job seekers must be strategic, adaptable, and continuously developing their skills.

Career coaching is a professional service designed to guide individuals through various stages of their career development. Unlike traditional job search support, career coaching offers personalized assistance that helps you achieve your professional goals and navigate the complexities of modern job searches.

2. When Should You Consider Career Coaching?

When Should You Consider a Career Coach?

Having access to a career coach can be a game-changer at different stages of your professional life. Here are some pivotal moments when having a coach by your side makes all the difference:

When You’re Ready for a Career Change

Thinking about a fresh start? Career coaching helps you align your skills, passions, and values with new opportunities. Your coach will guide you in pinpointing the right career path, building a resume that stands out, and getting you interview-ready.

When You Feel Stuck

Feeling stagnant in your current role? A career coach can help you shake things up by identifying growth areas and setting realistic, actionable goals. They’ll work with you on skill-building, expanding your network, and setting you up to take your career to the next level.

When You’re Between Jobs or Returning from a Work Break

Navigating the space between jobs or re-entering the workforce after a break can be challenging. Career coaching helps you redefine your career goals, sharpen your job search strategy, and stay competitive in a fast-moving market. It’s all about finding the right direction and keeping you on track.

When You Need Confidence In Your Direction

Confidence can make or break a job search. A career coach will help you build self-assurance by focusing on your strengths, prepping you for interviews, and guiding you through salary negotiations. You’ll feel empowered to present yourself confidently to future employers.

Merit America alumni and staff reflecting on their program experience.
3. Benefits of Career Coaching

The Benefits of Career Coaching with Merit America

At Merit America, our coaching is the “secret sauce” for not just landing a job but also building the confidence and skills needed for sustained career success, no matter where your path leads.

Unlike many tech bootcamps, colleges, and job training programs that offer coaching as a mere perk, our approach goes deeper. Merit America Career Coaches are dedicated partners in your growth, providing personalized feedback and support throughout your entire journey. With their expertise, you’ll attract recruiters, secure interviews, and build the confidence to turn coachable moments into lasting momentum.

With their expertise, you’ll attract recruiters, secure interviews, and build the confidence to turn coachable moments into lasting career momentum. Throughout the program, your coaches will encourage you to aim higher, helping you understand what a “positive career change” truly means. They are committed to recognizing and pursuing opportunities that match your full potential and ensuring you don’t settle for less than you deserve. This personalized, empathetic support is a cornerstone of your career transformation journey with Merit America.

What you can expect from a Merit America Career Coach:

  1. Personalized Career Strategy: Your coach works with you to craft a tailored career path that aligns with your strengths, goals, and values, helping you map out a clear, actionable plan.
  2. Refining Your Personal Brand: Through resume feedback and LinkedIn optimization, you’ll learn how to showcase your journey and skills, ensuring recruiters take notice.
  3. Navigating Job Transitions: Whether you’re switching industries or re-entering the workforce, our coaches guide you through the transition with actionable strategies and support.
  4. Enhanced Job Search Techniques: From crafting targeted resumes to strategically positioning yourself for recruiters, you’ll be equipped with the tools and know-how to boost your visibility. Additionally, you’ll learn to use AI tools to amplify your efforts, ensuring your applications remain authentic, competitive, and impactful.
  5. Interview Preparation: Our coaches provide mock interviews, feedback, and strategies to help you craft a compelling personal narrative and handle tough questions with confidence.
  6. Ongoing Support and Adaptability: We offer continuous support, keeping you informed about market trends and equipping you to thrive in a constantly changing job market.

📌 Related Reading: How To Make A Career Change With No Experience

How Coaching Helped Nicole

Nicole worked at a dog treat factory in Minnesota but felt unfulfilled. Without a college degree and unwilling to incur debt for traditional education, she sought change. When Nicole discovered Merit America on TikTok, she decided to quit her job and fully commit to securing a more sustainable, high-growth career.

Though the program was challenging, Nicole persevered with the support of her coach, Judy, and her squad. “I had to make quitting my job worth it,” she recalls. After completing the program, she landed a Help Desk Technician role at a large international company that typically only hires college graduates.

Now, three weeks into her new position, Nicole supports 800 employees. “Getting accepted into this program was a saving grace,” she says. “I’m proud of how far I’ve come, and my new career has me loving life again.”

5. Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Roadmap Your Career Change with Merit America

Merit America’s career coaching isn’t just about finding your next job—it’s about building a long-term career strategy that aligns with your aspirations. With an 80% program completion rate and an average wage gain of $24,000 for alumni just three months post-program, the results speak for themselves.

Ready to take the next step in your career journey? Explore our Career Tracks page to learn more and apply today.

📌 Related Reading: Is Merit America Legit? And Other Job Training Questions

How Coaching Helped Alix

Alix started on the traditional college path but dropped out when the costs began to outweigh the benefits. After years working in the restaurant industry, Alix was burdened by student debt for a degree never completed. When their partner discovered Merit America, Alix saw an opportunity to gain practical technical skills and apply them for real career growth.

Career coaching proved transformative for Alix. “It made the difference,” they say, emphasizing how it built their confidence in writing resumes, navigating job applications, and acing interviews. “I’ve recommended the program to others multiple times, even just for things like email etiquette. It’s what sets Merit America apart. I still use the soft skills I learned and teach them to others.”

Five years later, Alix now holds the position of Director of IT and achieved a $95,000 wage increase, continuing to use and share the skills they acquired.